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Where can you find cheap rentals in Austin?

Where in the Greater Austin area can you still get a cute home under 350. We have a lot of investor clients that are looking for this very thing they want a home that can make a great rental, three beds, two baths, fairly new condition ...

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What’s so Great about North Austin?

If you're thinking about moving to Austin, one of the first things you need to figure out is which part of town is going to be the right match for you and your family. So we help our buyers kind of break down an overview of how the city...

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Earnest Money and Option Fee

Did you know that in Texas buyers have to pay the sellers for the right to do an inspection and negotiate repairs, I'm Shannon Mangin with the Mangin team in Austin. And I'm going to help you break down what fees you actually need to br...

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4 Ways to avoid a bad Appraisal

You want to know what I think is the most stressful part of any real estate transaction is the appraisal because it happens at the very end. So after you are already fully invested and excited about making a purchase, you've already got...

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